There is an annual Capitation fee of £58.50 per child.
This goes to Scouts UK.
...for Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts children:
Bank transfer (NOT cash, please!) using these details:
Account name: 1st Lewisham Park Scouts
Account number: 52695760 (Lloyds Bank)
Sort code: 30-96-31
Reference: [your child’s name]
...for Explorer children:
Bank transfer (NOT cash, please!) using these details:
Account name: Lewisham District Scout Council
Account number: 00036811 (CAF Bank)
Sort code: 40-52-40
Reference: [your child’s name]
1st Lewisham Park
Scouts Group
0208 6905090
363-365 Lewisham High Street
SE13 6NZ